Setting out Travel-DVDs of "VOICES OF TRANSITION"

Sharing VOICES OF TRANSITION along the way // USA, July & August 2015 // As I'm the kind of person, that feels guilty about leaving a giant CO2-print in the air by crossing the ocean, I do try to make up for that as much as I can by sharing inspiration and goodness as well as absorbing and receiving inspiration as much as I can, just like a sponge, wringing myself out when back home to share new ideas and what I've seen.

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Vernissage-Einladung zur Tiefsee-Expedition von-Stolz-und-Keppler – am 9.Mai 2015

Am 9.Mai 2015, um 17Uhr ist es soweit, die Pforten der königlichen Tiefseeakademie in Sassnitz, Böttcherstr. 5, öffnen sich für großes Publikum. Hier schon ein paar erste Ein- und Ausblicke darauf.
Es erwarten Sie mit vielen Krakenarmen, Philippe Armando von Stolz (Expeditionsleiter) & Fräulein Jenniviève Ottilie Keppler (Zeichnerin und Kunstmalerin).

Tiefsee Einladung

Photo and Art of The Kraken by Philipp Stulz, Photo and Art of Fish Ink Drawing by Jenni Ottilie Keppler